
All content on this website, including texts, features, graphics and photographs, is the copyright of and is governed by national and international copyright provisions. The company logo is a registered trademark of the court decision by the courts of Athens. Therefore, any violation or use without the permission of the person who owns the rights of the website is considered illegal and the courts of Athens are responsible. The logos, brand names, trademarks and features contained in the website belong to the company and are also protected in accordance with applicable industrial and intellectual property laws. .


It is expressly prohibited to use, reproduce, republish, copy, store, sell, transmit, distribute, publish, execute, download, translate, modify in any way, part or all of the content of the website and the services offered in this, without the prior permission of the company. They are therefore prohibited from being sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished in whole or in part or "uploaded", transmitted or distributed in any way. Products or services that are mentioned on the website and bear the marks of the respective organizations, companies, partner organizations, are their own intellectual property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility.

Disclaimers and Limitations of Internet Liability

The company makes every effort to ensure that all content and information displayed on the website are characterized by scientific accuracy, clarity and accuracy. We reserve the right to modify the content or services of the website, as well as the terms of use; personal data, whenever deemed necessary and without prior notice, by simply announcing them through the website. These terms are governed by and construed in accordance with Greek law, and the courts of Athens are responsible for resolving any dispute.


All your personal data collected through the electronic form of the company is subject to your full and unconditional consent / consent, which is provided by sending your personal data to us. It goes without saying that you reserve the right to revoke this consent at any time while you are able to access this data at any time as well as to request the immediate deletion of your data and your deletion. All your data is protected and managed in accordance with the terms and rules of Greek law, and our company strictly follows all the rules established by the relevant legal framework. Under applicable law, the information stored on our website may be disclosed to third parties, competent authorities, prosecutors or other administrative departments only in accordance with the rules and provisions of the relevant regulatory framework. The use of the company's website presupposes and confirms that the user / visitor has fully understood what is mentioned above, as well as that he fully agrees with these terms.

Cookie Management

You can enable / disable cookies or delete cookies installed on your computer by setting options in your Internet browser. In case the use of cookies in your browser is not allowed, it is possible that you do not have access to some of the services and your navigation on our website may be less satisfactory.